Futsal administration
Job description
Please find the details of the position here. Have a close read and ensure that the position is fully suited to your skillset and ambitions. Having a bright personality and loving to work with people is highly desirable!
Contact us, if you meet the following:
Do you have customer service experience?
Do you have a high attention to detail?
Do you have access to a car for your shifts?
Can you lift up to 15kgs?
If yes to all the above, please send a cover letter and resume to email:
Futsal referee
Criteria to being a F4L referee
Mandatory experience in officiating football or futsal, or both.
Good communication; loud and authoritative.
Good signalling, quick decision making and calm under pressure.
Good presentation (uniform provided.)
Always on time
Willing to help with all that is required with set up and operating the games.
Great attitude and enjoyment for the game and strong desire to provide safe and enjoyable games for our players.
If you think you have what it takes, contact us!
The duration of shifts depends on the venue availability at any one time. We will provide remuneration details upon your further contact. You are required to have an ABN which you can get here. Please contact us if you meet the detailed critieria and are strongly motivated to officiate games with our organisation!
Contact us.
Phone: 0483 913 413